The Village Water Supply Three wells were identified by the Parish Council as still being in existence during the mid 20th century, located - according to this longhand note - as being in the corner of the "School Ground", and two down Back Road (or Back Lane as it known today). I believe the last two were probably in the copse just downhill of the village, and in the second dip where footpaths 7 & 11 leave east of Back Lane. The latter is likely confirmed by the archaic reference to "Well Meadow" in the 1842 Tithe Map (located in the bottom right hand corner, and noted as now being incorporated into Brook Field).
I'm grateful to Elaine Barbour for her contact back in April 2009 when she wrote to me regarding her Father's stay at the original School Cottage, when she said: "My Dad remembers staying in their cottage, very close to the church. There was no electricity so they relied on oil lamps. Water came from a well full of frogs, so as children they wouldn't drink it." Frankly, who can blame them!
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