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Kettlebaston motorshow-AG

In spite (or perhaps because) of its size, Kettlebaston enjoys the most wonderful community spirit. The villagers enjoy a full and active social life, and try to get together for many events throughout the year. The bounds are beaten annually on Rogation Sunday, and the churchyard is thoroughly tidied every August in readiness for the renowned Kettlebaston Music Festival. After the clearance it is traditional to have a 'ploughman's lunch' outside the village hall for all the helpers.

There are also numerous other fund raising events throughout the year - mostly aimed at helping us cover our considerable maintenance expenditure, and also on behalf of various "external" charities.

We also have a marvellously eclectic social mix within the village, (albeit with a fairly strong bias to music, and the arts)! Some of our residents in 2000 included:

Janet Allan - potter & organic gardener

Peter Partington - wildlife artist

Peter Gutteridge - engineer

Gordon Pullin

Samantha Muir

Jean Clayton Smith

supporting charity without charge